

Copy and printing access control

Update Time:2016-10-08 Click:4568

Is printing the biggest security threat for your business?

All over the globe, all sizes institutions are seemingly beefing up their cyber security systems. With so many reported online breaches, awareness of the issue has never been higher. But while the focus is poured into computer defences, the physical aspect of data security is perhaps being neglected.

You can’t print that! 

According to the survey,  90 percent of large institutions and companies reported that they had suffered a security breach. Cyber-crime, hacking and malware are prominent security concerns, typically linked to networks, the internet and mobile devices. But given the importance that organizations are placing on security, it is surprising that a fundamental component of any data security strategy is so often overlooked – print!

94 percent of office workers have at least one bad printing habit that is risking security in their organization. Over a quarter (27 percent) of office workers have thrown away printed documents without shredding, 24 percent have printed documents but left the copies in the printer tray and one in five have picked up someone else's documents from the printer.

Not surprising therefore that some people had picked up other people’s documents from a communal printer. It will be a problem if the documents with sensitive& confidential information are involved.

Follow-me to securing your printing& copy


The print environment plays a vital role in keeping an organisation's information safe, yet IT teams often consider this as beyond their remit and the responsibility of someone else. So, now we introduce high level security technology RFID to secure your system.

Also known in the industry as “pull printing”, this is a feature where a user's print job is held on the server and only released by the printer when a user authenticates themselves at the printer either using a code or a print card etc. That means printer will move when you tell the printer to do that.

XID offer this type of security solution using RFID module or reader etc, which authorize the appointed person for printing. The verification mode can be RFID card from ISO14443A Mifare, Mifare plus and even Mifare DESFire EV1, or biometric technology as fingerprint.

Till now, several printer solution provider including Canon etc have already become our partner for printer access control system, who pay more attention on high security for cyber systems.  As professional manufacturer and solution provider, our solution will be definitely designed according to your system. So, let us discuss your case and leave your demands for us.

We’re always here for you!

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